Current Path : /home2/morganrand/.trash/js_composer/config/ |
Current File : /home2/morganrand/.trash/js_composer/config/shortcode-vc-tta-tour.php |
<?php vc_map( array( 'name' => __( 'Tour', 'js_composer' ), 'base' => 'vc_tta_tour', 'icon' => 'icon-wpb-ui-tab-content-vertical', 'is_container' => true, 'show_settings_on_create' => false, 'as_parent' => array( 'only' => 'vc_tta_section' ), 'category' => __( 'Content', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Vertical tabbed content', 'js_composer' ), 'params' => array( array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'param_name' => 'title', 'heading' => __( 'Widget title', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Enter text used as widget title (Note: located above content element).', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => array( __( 'Classic', 'js_composer' ) => 'classic', __( 'Modern', 'js_composer' ) => 'modern', __( 'Flat', 'js_composer' ) => 'flat', __( 'Outline', 'js_composer' ) => 'outline', ), 'heading' => __( 'Style', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour display style.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'shape', 'value' => array( __( 'Rounded', 'js_composer' ) => 'rounded', __( 'Square', 'js_composer' ) => 'square', __( 'Round', 'js_composer' ) => 'round', ), 'heading' => __( 'Shape', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour shape.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'color', 'heading' => __( 'Color', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour color.', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => getVcShared( 'colors-dashed' ), 'std' => 'grey', 'param_holder_class' => 'vc_colored-dropdown', ), array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'param_name' => 'no_fill_content_area', 'heading' => __( 'Do not fill content area?', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Do not fill content area with color.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'spacing', 'value' => array( __( 'None', 'js_composer' ) => '', '1px' => '1', '2px' => '2', '3px' => '3', '4px' => '4', '5px' => '5', '10px' => '10', '15px' => '15', '20px' => '20', '25px' => '25', '30px' => '30', '35px' => '35', ), 'heading' => __( 'Spacing', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour spacing.', 'js_composer' ), 'std' => '1' ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'gap', 'value' => array( __( 'None', 'js_composer' ) => '', '1px' => '1', '2px' => '2', '3px' => '3', '4px' => '4', '5px' => '5', '10px' => '10', '15px' => '15', '20px' => '20', '25px' => '25', '30px' => '30', '35px' => '35', ), 'heading' => __( 'Gap', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour gap.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'tab_position', 'value' => array( __( 'Left', 'js_composer' ) => 'left', __( 'Right', 'js_composer' ) => 'right' ), 'heading' => __( 'Position', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour navigation position.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'alignment', 'value' => array( __( 'Left', 'js_composer' ) => 'left', __( 'Right', 'js_composer' ) => 'right', __( 'Center', 'js_composer' ) => 'center', ), 'heading' => __( 'Alignment', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour section title alignment.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'controls_size', 'value' => array( __( 'Auto', 'js_composer' ) => '', __( 'Extra large', 'js_composer' ) => 'xl', __( 'Large', 'js_composer' ) => 'lg', __( 'Medium', 'js_composer' ) => 'md', __( 'Small', 'js_composer' ) => 'sm', __( 'Extra small', 'js_composer' ) => 'xs', ), 'heading' => __( 'Navigation width', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select tour navigation width.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'autoplay', 'value' => array( __( 'None', 'js_composer' ) => 'none', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '10' => '10', '20' => '20', '30' => '30', '40' => '40', '50' => '50', '60' => '60', ), 'std' => 'none', 'heading' => __( 'Autoplay', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select auto rotate for tour in seconds (Note: disabled by default).', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'param_name' => 'active_section', 'heading' => __( 'Active section', 'js_composer' ), 'value' => 1, 'description' => __( 'Enter active section number (Note: to have all sections closed on initial load enter non-existing number).', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'pagination_style', 'value' => array( __( 'None', 'js_composer' ) => '', __( 'Square Dots', 'js_composer' ) => 'outline-square', __( 'Radio Dots', 'js_composer' ) => 'outline-round', __( 'Point Dots', 'js_composer' ) => 'flat-round', __( 'Fill Square Dots', 'js_composer' ) => 'flat-square', __( 'Rounded Fill Square Dots', 'js_composer' ) => 'flat-rounded', ), 'heading' => __( 'Pagination style', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select pagination style.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'dropdown', 'param_name' => 'pagination_color', 'value' => getVcShared( 'colors-dashed' ), 'heading' => __( 'Pagination color', 'js_composer' ), 'description' => __( 'Select pagination color.', 'js_composer' ), 'param_holder_class' => 'vc_colored-dropdown', 'std' => 'grey', 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pagination_style', 'not_empty' => true, ), ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __( 'Extra class name', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'el_class', 'description' => __( 'If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.', 'js_composer' ), ), array( 'type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __( 'CSS box', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => __( 'Design Options', 'js_composer' ) ), ), 'js_view' => 'VcBackendTtaTourView', 'custom_markup' => ' <div class="vc_tta-container" data-vc-action="collapse"> <div class="vc_general vc_tta vc_tta-tabs vc_tta-color-backend-tabs-white vc_tta-style-flat vc_tta-shape-rounded vc_tta-spacing-1 vc_tta-tabs-position-left vc_tta-controls-align-left"> <div class="vc_tta-tabs-container">' . '<ul class="vc_tta-tabs-list">' . '<li class="vc_tta-tab" data-vc-tab data-vc-target-model-id="{{ model_id }}"><a href="javascript:;" data-vc-container=".vc_tta" data-vc-target="[data-model-id=\'{{ model_id }}\']" data-vc-target-model-id="{{ model_id }}" data-vc-tabs>{{ section_title }}</a></li>' . '</ul> </div> <div class="vc_tta-panels {{container-class}}"> {{ content }} </div> </div> </div>', 'default_content' => ' [vc_tta_section title="' . sprintf( "%s %d", __( 'Section', 'js_composer' ), 1 ) . '"][/vc_tta_section] [vc_tta_section title="' . sprintf( "%s %d", __( 'Section', 'js_composer' ), 2 ) . '"][/vc_tta_section] ', 'admin_enqueue_js' => array( vc_asset_url( 'lib/vc_tabs/vc-tabs.js' ) ) ) );