Current Path : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/coupon/Professor Cloud_files/ |
Current File : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/coupon/Professor Cloud_files/jquery_002.js |
$(function(){ // Map country codes to TLD. var countryCodeToTLD = { "UK": "co.uk", "GB": "co.uk", "IE": "co.uk", "DE": "de", "AT": "de", "FR": "fr", "US": "com", "CA": "ca", "JP": "co.jp" }; // Map TLD to affiliate id. var TLDtoAffiliate = { "co.uk": "profecloud-21", "de": "profecloud0a-21", "fr": "profecloud06-21", "com": "profecloud-20", "ca": "", "co.jp": "" }; var getCountryCode = function(callback) { $.ajax({ url: "http://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-country?format=json", dataType: "jsonp", data: {"key":"5e5c9212ee974dc59f859ad9e54647faf1c96ef00fcfdb9b17cbfb3fae4d1ef0"}, success: function(data) { if ( data.statusCode != 'OK') { return null; } callback(data.countryCode); }, error: function(data) { return null; } }); }; var changeLinks = function(countryCode) { //alert(data.countryCode); var tld = countryCodeToTLD[countryCode]; if(tld !== undefined) { var newTag = TLDtoAffiliate[tld]; if(newTag !== '') { $('.amz').each(function() { var url = $(this).attr('href'), tagStart = url.indexOf('tag='), tagEnd = url.indexOf('&',tagStart+1); if(tagEnd==-1) tagEnd=url.length; var tag = url.substring(tagStart+4,tagEnd), urlStart = url.indexOf('www.amazon'), urlEnd = url.indexOf('/',urlStart+1), amzSite = url.substring(urlStart,urlEnd); url = url.replace(amzSite,'www.amazon.' + tld); url = url.replace(tag,newTag); $(this).attr('href',url); }); } } }; // If no cookie plugin or no cookie, then get the country code // from the server. if ( $.cookie === undefined || !$.cookie('AALL')) { getCountryCode(function(cCode){ changeLinks(cCode); // Set the cookie if plugin exists. if ($.cookie !== undefined) { $.cookie('AALL',cCode); } }); // Cookie exists, so use the country code in it. }else { changeLinks($.cookie('AALL')); } });