Current Path : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/ |
Current File : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/easylet_m.php |
<?php require_once("adminOnly.php");?> <img border="0" src="logo-top2.jpg" width="880" height="158"> <br> <?php /* EasyLetter 1.2 This script is part of Onlinetools http://www.onlinetools.org/tools/easyletter.php */ $vars=explode(",","pw,send,subject,message,email,action"); foreach($vars as $v){ if ($HTTP_GET_VARS[$v]!=""){$$v=$HTTP_GET_VARS[$v];} if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$v]!=""){$$v=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$v];} } # Set the password for the eMail List editor! $pass="sec"; # Where is your newsletter located? (For deletion link) $newsletterlocation="http://www.wanderfuls.com/easylet.php"; # Name of the datafile $filelocation="subscribers.txt"; # Title of the newsletter, will be displayed in the FROM field of the mailclient $lettername="info@wanderfuls.com"; # Your email, will be the reply-to mail, $youremail="info@wanderfuls.com"; # pattern for filtering out own emails $pattern = "wanderfuls.com"; $welcomemessage = "Hello, stranger."; # Sorrymessage for failed subscription, will be followed by the email! $sorrysignmessage = "<div class=\"warning\">Sorry, but there is already an entry for $email</div>"; # Sorrymessage for blank email $sorryblankmailmessage = "<div class=\"warning\">Sorry, but with a blank mail I get lost in cyberspace</div>"; # Sorrymessage for invalid emails $sorryoddmailmessage = "<div class=\"warning\">Sorry, but \"$email\" that does not look like an email to me</div>"; # Sorrymessage if someone entered your own mail $sorryownmailmessage = "<div class=\"warning\">Sorry, but I don't really want to get my own newsletter!</div>"; # Subscribemessage, will be shown when someone subscribes. $subscribemessage = "<div class=\"thanks\">Thank you for subscribing to the newsletter, a confirmation email is on its way!</div>"; # Subscribemail, will be sent when someone subscribes. $subscribemail = "Thank you for subscribing to the newsletter."; # Unsubscribemessage for deletion, will be followed by the email! $unsubscribemessage = "<div class=\"thanks\">We deleted the email</div>"; # Unsubscribemessage for failed deletion, will be followed by the email! $failedunsubscriptionmessage = "<div class=\"warning\">Sorry, you cannot unsubscribe as we didn't find an entry for $email</div>"; if (!file_exists($filelocation)) { $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w+"); fclose($newfile); } $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"r"); $content = fread($newfile, filesize($filelocation)); fclose($newfile); $content=stripslashes($content); $out=""; $lines = explode("%",$content); foreach($lines as $l){ if ($l != $email){$out .= "%".$l;} else{$found=1;} } if ($action=="sign"){ if ($found==1 or $email=="" or !checkmail($email) or preg_match("/".$pattern."/",$email)){ if ($email==""){echo $sorryblankmailmessage;} else if ($found==1){echo $sorrysignmessage;} else if (!checkmail($email)){echo $sorryoddmailmessage;} else if (preg_match("/".$pattern."/",$email)){echo $sorryownmailmessage;} $disp="yes"; } else { $disp="no"; $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"a+"); $add = "%".$email; fwrite($newfile, $add); fclose($newfile); echo $subscribemessage; mail ($youremail,"New newsletter subscriber.",$email."\nDelete? $newsletterlocation?action=delete&email=".$email,"From: Newsletter\nReply-To: $email\n"); $submailheaders = "From: $lettername subscription form\n"; $submailheaders .= "Reply-To: $youremail\n"; mail ($email,$lettername." subscription",$subscribemail,$submailheaders); } } if ($action=="delete"){ $disp="no"; if ($found == 1){ $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w+"); fwrite($newfile, $out); fclose($newfile); echo $unsubscribemessage; $disp="no"; } if ($found != 1){ echo $failedunsubscriptionmessage; $disp="YES"; } } if ($pw == $pass){ if ($send != "yes" && $send != "test"){ print'<form method="post"><input type="hidden" name=pw value='.$pass.' /><input type="hidden" name="send" value="yes"> <br /><b>Newsletter editor:</b><br /><br /> Subject:<br /> <input type="text" class="input" name="subject" size="20"><br /> Message:<br /> <textarea cols="50" rows="10" class="input" wrap="virtual" name="message"></textarea>  <input type="submit" value="send" /> </form>'; } $mailheaders = "From: $lettername\n"; $mailheaders .= "Reply-To:$youremail\n"; # If you want to send HTML mail, uncomment this line! // $mailheaders .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; if ($send == "yes"){ $message="".stripslashes($message); $subject=stripslashes($subject); $lines = explode("%",$content); ############################################################################## # foreach ($lines as $l){mail ($l,$subject,$message,$mailheaders);} # print "<b>The following email has been sent!</b>"; # print "<pre>$mailheaders\n$subject\n$message</pre>"; ############################################################################## $fl = explode("<",$lines[0]); $fl_count = count($fl); foreach ($lines as $l){ $message_v = $message; $fl = explode("<",$l); for ($i=1; $i<$fl_count; $i++){ $search_v = sprintf("#%d#",$i); $message_v = str_replace($search_v,$fl[$i],$message_v); } mail ($fl[0],$subject,$message_v,$mailheaders); } print "<b>The following email has been sent!</b>"; printf ("<b> %d times.</b>",count($lines)); print "<pre>$mailheaders\n$subject\n$message</pre>"; ############################################################################## } } if ($pw != $pass && $disp != "no"){ print $welcomemessage; print' <form method="post"> Your email: <input type="text" name="email" class="inputsmall" value="" size="20" />  <input type="radio" name="action" value="sign" checked="checked" />subscribe <input type="radio" name="action" value="delete" />unsubscribe  <input type="submit" value=" Send! " class="button" /> </form> '; } print "<!-- Easyletter Newsletterscript by Chris Heilmann, get yours @ http://www.onlinetools.org/easyletter/ -->"; function checkmail($string){ return preg_match("/^[^\s()<>@,;:\"\/\[\]?=]+@\w[\w-]*(\.\w[\w-]*)*\.[a-z]{2,}$/i",$string); } ?> <h2 align="center"><a href="contact-ctrl.php">BACK</a></h2>