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They were so easy to put together - I used Hershey kisses. <br /> I was so happy to have discovered Wanderfuls and plan to orderagain in the near future.<br /> Again, thank you so much. They were so beautiful and unique. <br /> Once in a while , you make a purchase you are so happy about - well, that was this purchase !!!!!<br /><br /> With sincere thanks, <br /><br />Kendrick Lamar </p> </div> <div id="top2"> <p class="14" style="margin-top:0px;font-size:18px;">WE ARE PROUDLY TRUSTED BY</p> <img src="http://wanderfuls.com/images/banquets/testimonialslogoboxwide.jpg" width="660" /> </div> <div id="img" style="height:56px; background-image:NONE; width:660px; text-align:center"><p style="font-size:34px; margin:0px; margin-top:5px; font-style:italic">"Your Party. Your Color. Your Wanderfuls"</p></div> <div id="img" style="height:80px; background-image:NONE; width:660px; text-align:center"><p style="font-size:16px; margin:0px; margin-top:30px; ">WEDDING | BIRTHDAY | ANNIVERSARY | MITZVAH | SWEET16 | BANQUET | BABY SHOWER</p></div> <div id="img" style="height:56px; background-image:NONE; width:660px; text-align:center;border-top-width: thin; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: #cc3366;"><p style="font-size:13px; margin:0px; margin-top:30px; ">©2014 WANDERFULS INC. <br /> 150 WEST 28TH STREET SUITE 1203<br /> NEW YORK, NY 10001<br /> UNSUBSCRIBE</p> </div> </div> <!-- Start of LiveChat (www.livechatinc.com) code --> <script type="text/javascript"> var __lc = {}; __lc.license = 6479331; (function() { var lc = document.createElement('script'); lc.type = 'text/javascript'; lc.async = true; lc.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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