
Your IP :

Current Path : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/wp-content/themes/wanderfuls/skins/
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Current File : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/wp-content/themes/wanderfuls/skins/skins-admin.php

 * Creates the admin panel for the customizer
 * This function has been deprecated but can be re-enabled via
 * the "tb_enable_skins_panel" filter
 * @package Wanderfuls WordPress Theme
 * @subpackage Skins
 * @deprecated Since 3.0.0

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

 * Creates a beautiful admin panel for selecting your theme skin
 * @since 1.6.0
if ( ! class_exists( 'TB_Skins_Admin' ) ) {

	class TB_Skins_Admin {

		 * Start things up
		public function __construct() {
			add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_page' ), 20 );
			add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'register_settings' ) );
			add_action( 'admin_print_styles-'. TB_ADMIN_PANEL_HOOK_PREFIX . '-skins', array( $this, 'css' ), 40 );

		 * Add sub menu page
		public function add_page() {
				__( 'Theme Skins', 'tb' ),
				__( 'Theme Skins', 'tb' ),
				TB_THEME_PANEL_SLUG .'-skins',
				array( $this, 'create_admin_page' )
		 * Register a setting and its sanitization callback.
		public function register_settings() {
			register_setting( 'tb_skins_options', 'theme_skin', array( $this, 'sanitize' ) );

		 * Sanitization callback
		public function sanitize( $options ) {
			$skin = ! empty ( $options ) ? $options : 'base';
			if ( 'base' == $skin ) {
				remove_theme_mod( 'theme_skin' );
			} else {
				set_theme_mod( 'theme_skin', $skin );
			$options = '';

		 * Settings page output
		public function create_admin_page() { ?>

			<div class="wrap tb-skins-admin">

				<h2><?php _e( 'Theme Skins', 'tb' ); ?></h2>

				// Check if admin is enabled
				$notice = apply_filters( 'tb_skins_deprecated_notice', true );

				// Display notice
				if ( $notice ) { ?>

					<div class="notice error" style="display:block!important;padding:20px;">
						<h4 style="margin:0 0 10px;font-size:16px;">Important Notice</h4>
						<p>Skins have been deprecated since Wanderfuls 3.0.0. The theme has enough settings to allow you to create a design that fits your needs without loading extra bloat. If you select the "base" skin this admin panel will be removed and you will see an error message. To re-enable please visit the online snippets for this theme.</p>
						<p>We highly recommend you select the BASE skin and make all your edits via the Customizer to get the design you want or use a child theme (both are more optimized methods).</p>

				<?php }

				// Get skins array
				$skins = TB_Skin_Loader::skins_array();

				// Current skin from site_theme option
				$current_skin = tb_active_skin();

				// Get fallback from redux
				if ( ! $current_skin ) {
					$data         = get_option( 'tb_options' );
					$current_skin = isset( $data['site_theme'] ) ? $data['site_theme'] : 'base';
				} ?>

				<form method="post" action="options.php">

					<?php settings_fields( 'tb_skins_options' ); ?>

					<div class="tb-skins-select theme-browser" id="theme_skin">

						// Loop through skins
						foreach ( $skins as $key => $val ) {
						$classes = 'tb-skin theme';
						$checked = $active = '';
						if ( ! empty( $current_skin ) && $current_skin == $key ) {
							$checked = 'checked';
							$classes .= ' active';
						} ?>

						<div class="<?php echo $classes; ?>">

							<input type="radio" id="tb-skin-<?php echo $key; ?>" name="theme_skin" value="<?php echo $key; ?>" <?php echo $checked; ?> class="tb-skin-radio" />

							<?php if ( ! empty( $val['screenshot'] ) ) : ?>

								<div class="theme-screenshot">
									<img src="<?php echo esc_url( $val['screenshot'] ); ?>" alt="<?php _e( 'Screenshot', 'tb' ); ?>" />

							<?php elseif ( function_exists( 'tb_placeholder_img_src' ) ) : ?>

								<div class="theme-screenshot">
									<img src="<?php echo tb_placeholder_img_src(); ?>" />

							<?php endif; ?>

							<h3 class="theme-name">
								<?php if ( 'active' == $active ) {
									echo '<strong>'. __( 'Active', 'tb' ). ':</strong> ';
								} ?>
								<?php echo $val[ 'name' ]; ?>

						<?php } ?>

					</div><!-- .tb-skin -->

					<?php submit_button(); ?>


			</div><!-- .tb-skins-select -->

			<script type="text/javascript">
				(function($) {
					"use strict";
					$( '.tb-skin' ).click( function() {
						$( '.tb-skin' ).removeClass( 'active' );
						$(this).addClass( 'active' );
						var radio = $(this).find( '.tb-skin-radio' );
						radio.prop("checked", true);
					} );
				} ) ( jQuery );

		<?php }

		 * Admin page CSS
		public static function css() { ?>

			<style type="text/css">
				.notice { display: none !important; }
				.tb-skins-admin h2 { margin-bottom: 15px }
				.tb-skins-select:after { content: ""; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; zoom: 1; }
				.tb-skins-select .theme-screenshot img { display: block; position: relative; }
				.tb-skins-select .theme-screenshot:hover img { opacity: 0.75 }
				.tb-skin-radio { display: none !important }
				.tb-skins-admin p.submit { margin: 0; padding: 0; }

		<?php }

$tb_skins_admin = new TB_Skins_Admin();