Current Path : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/wp-content/themes/wanderfuls/vc_templates/ |
Current File : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/wp-content/themes/wanderfuls/vc_templates/vc_row.php |
<?php /*** IMPORTANT: Do not edit this file, bad things will happen! ***/ // Warning for required functions if ( ! function_exists( 'vc_map_get_attributes' ) ) { echo '<p>'. __( 'Please update your visual composer plugin to prevent PHP errors.', 'tb' ) .'</p>'; return; } // Get vc attributes $atts = vc_map_get_attributes( $this->getShortcode(), $atts ); // Parse attributes (used for Wanderfuls theme fallbacks and deprecated params) $atts = vcex_parse_row_atts( $atts ); // Extract shortcode atts extract( $atts ); // Inline js vcex_inline_js( 'row_equal_columns' ); // Load VC js wp_enqueue_script( 'wpb_composer_front_js' ); // Wrap classes (Wanderfuls Theme wrapper around row for advanced tweaks and fixes) $wanderfuls_wrap_classes = array( 'tb-vc-row-wrap', 'clr' ); if ( ! empty( $max_width ) ) { $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = 'max-width-'. $max_width; } if ( ! empty( $match_column_height ) && 'yes' == $match_column_height ) { $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = 'tb-vc-row-columns-match-height'; } else { if ( vc_is_inline() ) { $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = 'tb-vc-row-reset-columns-match-height'; // Used in front-end editor to reset equal heights } } if ( ! empty( $full_width ) ) { $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = 'tb-vc-row-'. $full_width; } if ( ! empty( $center_row ) && 'yes' == $center_row ) { $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = 'tb-vc-row-centered'; } if ( ! empty( $column_spacing ) ) { $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = 'tb-vc-has-custom-column-spacing'; $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = 'tb-vc-column-spacing-'. $column_spacing; } $wanderfuls_wrap_classes[] = vcex_offset_vc( $atts ); $wanderfuls_wrap_classes = implode( ' ', $wanderfuls_wrap_classes ); // Declare some vars $wrapper_attributes = array(); $has_video_bg = false; // Inner classes $css_classes = array( 'vc_row', 'wpb_row', 'clr' ); $css_classes[] = get_row_css_class(); $css_classes[] = vc_shortcode_custom_css_class( $css, ' ' ); if ( ! empty( $el_class ) ) { $css_classes[] = $this->getExtraClass( $el_class ); } // Custom ID if ( ! empty( $el_id ) ) { $wrapper_attributes[] = 'id="' . esc_attr( $el_id ) . '"'; } // Full width row if ( ! empty( $full_width ) ) { $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-full-width="true"'; $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-full-width-init="false"'; if ( 'stretch_row_content' === $full_width ) { $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-stretch-content="true"'; } elseif ( 'stretch_row_content_no_spaces' === $full_width ) { $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-stretch-content="true"'; $css_classes[] = 'vc_row-no-padding'; } } // Full height row if ( ! empty( $full_height ) ) { $css_classes[] = ' vc_row-o-full-height'; if ( ! empty( $content_placement ) ) { $css_classes[] = ' vc_row-o-content-' . $content_placement; } } // Use default video if user checked video, but didn't chose url if ( 'self_hosted' != $video_bg ) { if ( ! empty( $video_bg ) && empty( $video_bg_url ) ) { $video_bg_url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMJXxhRFO1k'; } elseif ( ! empty( $video_bg ) && ! empty( $video_bg_url ) && function_exists( 'vc_extract_youtube_id' ) ) { $has_video_bg = vc_extract_youtube_id( $video_bg_url ); } } if ( $has_video_bg ) { $parallax = $video_bg_parallax; $parallax_image = $video_bg_url; $css_classes[] = ' vc_video-bg-container'; wp_enqueue_script( 'vc_youtube_iframe_api_js' ); } // Parallax bg if ( ! empty( $parallax ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'vc_jquery_skrollr_js' ); $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-parallax="1.5"'; // parallax speed $css_classes[] = 'vc_general vc_parallax vc_parallax-' . $parallax; if ( strpos( $parallax, 'fade' ) !== false ) { $css_classes[] = 'js-vc_parallax-o-fade'; $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-parallax-o-fade="on"'; } elseif ( strpos( $parallax, 'fixed' ) !== false ) { $css_classes[] = 'js-vc_parallax-o-fixed'; } } if ( ! empty ( $parallax_image ) ) { if ( $has_video_bg ) { $parallax_image_src = $parallax_image; } else { $parallax_image_id = preg_replace( '/[^\d]/', '', $parallax_image ); $parallax_image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $parallax_image_id, 'full' ); if ( ! empty( $parallax_image_src[0] ) ) { $parallax_image_src = $parallax_image_src[0]; } } $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-parallax-image="' . esc_attr( $parallax_image_src ) . '"'; } if ( ! $parallax && $has_video_bg ) { $wrapper_attributes[] = 'data-vc-video-bg="' . esc_attr( $video_bg_url ) . '"'; } // Add custom Wanderfuls inner_classes : Could add with a filter, but is that really necessary? if ( ! empty( $css_animation ) ) { $css_classes[] = $this->getCSSAnimation( $css_animation ); } if ( ! empty( $typography_style ) ) { $css_classes[] = $typography_style; } if ( ! empty( $visibility ) ) { $css_classes[] = $visibility; } if ( ! empty( $bg_style_class ) ) { $css_classes[] = $bg_style_class; } if ( ! empty( $tablet_fullwidth_cols ) && 'yes' == $tablet_fullwidth_cols ) { $css_classes[] = 'tablet-fullwidth-columns'; } if ( ! empty( $vcex_parallax ) ) { $css_classes[] = 'tb-parallax-bg-wrap'; } if ( ! empty( $video_bg ) ) { $css_classes[] = 'tb-relative'; } // Apply filters to the class $css_class = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', apply_filters( VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG, implode( ' ', array_filter( $css_classes ) ), $this->settings['base'], $atts ) ); // Add class to data attributes $wrapper_attributes[] = 'class="' . esc_attr( trim( $css_class ) ) . '"'; /**** TOTAL INLINE CSS ***/ // Generate inline CSS $inline_style = ''; // Min Height if ( $min_height ) { $inline_style .= 'min-height:'. $min_height .';'; } // Inline css styles => Fallback For OLD Wanderfuls Params if ( empty( $css ) && function_exists( 'vcex_parse_deprecated_row_css' ) ) { $inline_style .= vcex_parse_deprecated_row_css( $atts, 'inline_css' ); } // Add inline style to wrapper attributes if ( $inline_style ) { $wrapper_attributes[] = ' style="'. $inline_style .'"'; } /*** TOTAL INLINCE CSS END ***/ // Row Output Start here ?> <div class="<?php echo esc_attr( trim( $wanderfuls_wrap_classes ) ); ?>"> <div <?php echo implode( ' ', $wrapper_attributes ); ?>> <?php // Center row open if ( $center_row ) { ?> <div class="container center-row clr"> <?php } ?> <div class="tb-vc-columns-wrap clr"> <?php // THIS IS WHERE THE ROW CONTENT IS echo wpb_js_remove_wpautop( $content ); ?> </div><!-- .tb-vc-columns-wrap --> <?php // Center row close if ( $center_row ) { ?> </div><!-- .container --> <?php } ?> <?php vcex_parallax_bg( $atts ); ?> <?php vcex_row_video( $atts ); ?> </div> <?php // Strectch row container if ( ! empty( $full_width ) ) echo '<div class="vc_row-full-width"></div>'; ?> </div><!-- .tb-vc-row-wrap -->