Current Path : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/wp-content/themes/wanderfuls/vcex_templates/ |
Current File : /home2/morganrand/backup.morganrand.com/wp-content/themes/wanderfuls/vcex_templates/vcex_button.php |
<?php /** * Visual Composer Button * * @package Wanderfuls WordPress Theme * @subpackage VC Templates * @version 3.0.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } // Not needed in admin ever if ( is_admin() ) { return; } // Deprecated Attributes if ( ! empty( $atts['class'] ) && empty( $classes ) ) { $atts['classes'] = $atts['class']; } // Get and extract shortcode attributes $atts = vc_map_get_attributes( $this->getShortcode(), $atts ); extract( $atts ); // Sanitize & declare vars $content = ! empty( $content ) ? $content : __( 'Button Text', 'tb' ); $inline_js = array(); $data_attr = array(); $url = $url ? esc_url( $url ) : '#'; $target_html = vcex_html( 'target_attr', $target ); $rel = vcex_html( 'rel_attr', $rel ); // Load custom font if ( $font_family ) { tb_enqueue_google_font( $font_family ); } // Button Classes $button_classes = array( 'theme-button vcex-button' ); if ( $layout ) { $button_classes[] = $layout; } if ( $style ) { $button_classes[] = $style; } if ( $align ) { $button_classes[] = 'align-'. $align; } if ( $size ) { $button_classes[] = $size; } if ( $color ) { $button_classes[] = $color; } if ( $classes ) { $button_classes[] = vcex_get_extra_class( $classes ); } if ( $hover_animation ) { $button_classes[] = tb_hover_animation_class( $hover_animation ); vcex_enque_style( 'hover-animations' ); } else { $button_classes[] = 'animate-on-hover'; } if ( 'local' == $target ) { $button_classes[] = 'local-scroll-link'; } if ( $css_animation ) { $button_classes[] = $this->getCSSAnimation( $css_animation ); } if ( $classes ) { $button_classes[] = $this->getExtraClass( $classes ); } if ( $visibility ) { $button_classes[] = $visibility; } // Lightbox classes, image and data attributes if ( 'true' == $lightbox ) { // Enqueue lightbox style vcex_enque_style( 'ilightbox' ); // Parse lightbox dimensions $lightbox_dimensions = vcex_parse_lightbox_dims( $lightbox_dimensions ); // Set data attributes based on lightbox type if ( 'iframe' == $lightbox_type ) { $button_classes[] = 'tb-lightbox'; $data_attr[] = 'data-type="iframe"'; $data_attr[] = 'data-options="'. $lightbox_dimensions .'"'; } elseif ( 'image' == $lightbox_type ) { $button_classes[] = 'tb-lightbox'; $data_attr[] = 'data-type="image"'; if ( $lightbox_image ) { $url = wp_get_attachment_url( $lightbox_image ); } $inline_js[] = 'ilightbox'; } elseif ( 'video_embed' == $lightbox_type ) { $url = tb_sanitize_data( $url, 'embed_url' ); $button_classes[] = 'tb-lightbox'; $data_attr[] = 'data-type="iframe"'; $data_attr[] = 'data-options="'. $lightbox_dimensions .'"'; } elseif ( 'html5' == $lightbox_type ) { $lightbox_video_html5_webm = $lightbox_video_html5_webm ? $lightbox_video_html5_webm : $url; $poster = wp_get_attachment_url( $lightbox_poster_image ); $button_classes[] = 'tb-lightbox'; $data_attr[] = 'data-type="video"'; $data_attr[] = 'data-options="'. $lightbox_dimensions .', html5video: { webm: \''. $lightbox_video_html5_webm .'\', poster: \''. $poster .'\' }"'; } elseif ( 'quicktime' == $lightbox_type ) { $button_classes[] = 'tb-lightbox'; $data_attr[] = 'data-type="video"'; $data_attr[] = 'data-options="'. $lightbox_dimensions .'"'; } else { $button_classes[] = 'tb-lightbox-autodetect'; } } // Wrap classes $wrap_classes = array(); if ( 'center' == $align ) { $wrap_classes[] = 'textcenter'; } if ( 'block' == $layout ){ $wrap_classes[] = 'theme-button-block-wrap'; } if ( 'expanded' == $layout ){ $wrap_classes[] = 'theme-button-expanded-wrap'; $button_classes[] = 'expanded'; } if ( $wrap_classes ) { $wrap_classes[] = 'theme-button-wrap'; $wrap_classes[] = 'clr'; $wrap_classes = implode( ' ', $wrap_classes ); } // Custom Style $inline_style = vcex_inline_style( array( 'background' => $custom_background, 'padding' => $font_padding, 'color' => $custom_color, 'font_size' => $font_size, 'font_weight' => $font_weight, 'letter_spacing' => $letter_spacing, 'border_radius' => $border_radius, 'margin' => $margin, 'width' => $width, 'text_transform' => $text_transform, 'font_family' => $font_family, ), false ); if ( $custom_color && 'outline' == $style ) { $inline_style .= 'border-color:'. $custom_color .';'; } if ( $inline_style ) { $inline_style = ' style="'. esc_attr( $inline_style ) .'"'; } // Custom hovers if ( $custom_hover_background || $custom_hover_color ) { if ( $custom_hover_background ) { $data_attr[] = 'data-hover-background="'. $custom_hover_background .'"'; } if ( $custom_hover_color ) { $data_attr[] = 'data-hover-color="'. $custom_hover_color .'"'; } if ( $data_attr ) { $button_classes[] = 'tb-data-hover'; } $inline_js[] = 'data_hover'; } // Define button icon_classes $icon_left = vcex_get_icon_class( $atts, 'icon_left' ); $icon_right = vcex_get_icon_class( $atts, 'icon_right' ); // Icon left style if ( $icon_left ) { $icon_left_style = vcex_inline_style ( array( 'margin_right' => $icon_left_padding, ) ); } // Icon right style if ( $icon_right ) { $icon_right_style = vcex_inline_style ( array( 'margin_left' => $icon_right_padding, ) ); } // Load icon fonts if needed if ( $icon_left || $icon_right ) { vcex_enqueue_icon_font( $icon_type ); } // Load inline js vcex_inline_js( $inline_js ); // Turn arrays into strings $button_classes = implode( ' ', $button_classes ); $data_attr = implode( ' ', $data_attr ); // Open wrapper for specific button styles if ( $wrap_classes ) echo '<div class="'. esc_attr( $wrap_classes ) .'">'; ?> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr( $button_classes ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>"<?php echo $inline_style; ?><?php echo $target_html; ?><?php echo $rel; ?> <?php echo $data_attr; ?><?php echo vcex_unique_id( $unique_id ); ?>> <span class="theme-button-inner"><?php // Define output $output = ''; // Display left Icon if ( $icon_left ) { $output .='<span class="vcex-icon-wrap theme-button-icon-left"> <span class="'. $icon_left .'"'. $icon_left_style .'></span> </span>'; } // Button Text $output .= $content; // Display Right Icon if ( $icon_right ) { $output .='<span class="vcex-icon-wrap theme-button-icon-right"> <span class="'. $icon_right .'"'. $icon_right_style .'></span> </span>'; } echo $output; ?></span><!-- .theme-button-inner --> </a><!-- <?php echo esc_attr( $button_classes ); ?> --> <?php // Close wrapper for specific button styles if ( $wrap_classes ) echo '</div><!-- '. esc_attr( $wrap_classes ) .' -->'; ?>