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� 毖Sc @ s) d Z d d l m Z d Z d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z e r� d d l m Z n d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d S( s9 Implementation for dbus.Bus. Not to be imported directly.i����( t generatorst Bust SystemBust SessionBust StarterBust reStructuredText( t DBusException( t BUS_DAEMON_IFACEt BUS_DAEMON_NAMEt BUS_DAEMON_PATHt BUS_SESSIONt BUS_STARTERt BUS_SYSTEMt DBUS_START_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNINGt DBUS_START_REPLY_SUCCESSt validate_bus_namet validate_interface_namet validate_member_namet validate_object_path( t BusConnection( t SignalMessage( t is_py2( t UTF8Stringc B s� e Z d Z i Z e j e d d � Z d � Z d � Z e e d d d � Z e d � Z e e � Z e d � Z e e � Z e d � Z e e � Z d � Z e Z RS( s A connection to one of three possible standard buses, the SESSION, SYSTEM, or STARTER bus. This class manages shared connections to those buses. If you're trying to subclass `Bus`, you may be better off subclassing `BusConnection`, which doesn't have all this magic. c C s� | r! | | j k r! | j | S| t k r6 t } n: | t k rK t } n% | t k r` t } n t d | � � t j | | d | �} | | _ | s� | | j | <n | S( s� Constructor, returning an existing instance where appropriate. The returned instance is actually always an instance of `SessionBus`, `SystemBus` or `StarterBus`. :Parameters: `bus_type` : cls.TYPE_SESSION, cls.TYPE_SYSTEM or cls.TYPE_STARTER Connect to the appropriate bus `private` : bool If true, never return an existing shared instance, but instead return a private connection. :Deprecated: since 0.82.3. Use dbus.bus.BusConnection for private connections. `mainloop` : dbus.mainloop.NativeMainLoop The main loop to use. The default is to use the default main loop if one has been set up, or raise an exception if none has been. :Changed: in dbus-python 0.80: converted from a wrapper around a Connection to a Connection subclass. s invalid bus_type %st mainloop( t _shared_instancesR R R R R R t ValueErrorR t __new__t _bus_type( t clst bus_typet privateR t subclasst bus( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.pyR : s c C sK | j } | j j j | � | k r4 | j j | =n t t | � j � d S( N( R t __class__R t gett superR t close( t selft t( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.pyR$ m s c C s | S( s� Return self, for backwards compatibility with earlier dbus-python versions where Bus was not a subclass of Connection. :Deprecated: since 0.80.0 ( ( R% ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.pyt get_connections s s� self._connection == self, for backwards compatibility with earlier dbus-python versions where Bus was not a subclass of Connection.c C s t d | � S( s� Static method that returns a connection to the session bus. :Parameters: `private` : bool If true, do not return a shared connection. R ( R ( R ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.pyt get_session s c C s t d | � S( s� Static method that returns a connection to the system bus. :Parameters: `private` : bool If true, do not return a shared connection. R ( R ( R ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.pyt get_system� s c C s t d | � S( s� Static method that returns a connection to the starter bus. :Parameters: `private` : bool If true, do not return a shared connection. R ( R ( R ( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.pyt get_starter� s c C st | j t k r d } n6 | j t k r0 d } n | j t k rH d } n d } d | j j | j j | t | � f S( Nt sessiont systemt starters unknown bus types <%s.%s (%s) at %#x>( R R R R R! t __module__t __name__t id( R% t name( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.pyt __repr__� s N( R/ R. t __doc__R R t TYPE_SESSIONt Falset NoneR R$ R'