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� �� Rc @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l Z d d l Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d S( s2 Internal functions for working with frame-filters.i����N( t FrameIterator( t FrameDecoratorc C s t | d d � S( sC Internal worker function to return the frame-filter's priority from a frame filter object. This is a fail free function as it is used in sorting and filtering. If a badly implemented frame filter does not implement the priority attribute, return zero (otherwise sorting/filtering will fail and prevent other frame filters from executing). Arguments: filter_item: An object conforming to the frame filter interface. Returns: The priority of the frame filter from the "priority" attribute, or zero. t priorityi ( t getattr( t filter_item( ( s# /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/frames.pyt get_priority s c C s | | _ d S( s� Internal worker function to set the frame-filter's priority. Arguments: filter_item: An object conforming to the frame filter interface. priority: The priority to assign as an integer. N( R ( R R ( ( s# /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/frames.pyt set_priority- s c C s t | d t � S( sE Internal worker function to return a filter's enabled state from a frame filter object. This is a fail free function as it is used in sorting and filtering. If a badly implemented frame filter does not implement the enabled attribute, return False (otherwise sorting/filtering will fail and prevent other frame filters from executing). Arguments: filter_item: An object conforming to the frame filter interface. Returns: The enabled state of the frame filter from the "enabled" attribute, or False. t enabled( R t False( R ( ( s# /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/frames.pyt get_enabled8 s c C s | | _ d S( s� Internal Worker function to set the frame-filter's enabled state. Arguments: filter_item: An object conforming to the frame filter interface. state: True or False, depending on desired state. N( R ( R t state( ( s# /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/frames.pyt set_enabledN s c C s� | d k rb t j j � } | t j � j j � } x+ t j � D] } | | j j � } | SWn | d k ru t j S| d k r� t j � } | j Sx* t j � D] } | | j k r� | j Sq� Wd | d } t j | � � d S( s Internal Worker function to return the frame filter dictionary, depending on the name supplied as an argument. If the name is not "all", "global" or "progspace", it is assumed to name an object-file. Arguments: name: The name of the list, as specified by GDB user commands. Returns: A dictionary object for a single specified dictionary, or a list containing all the items for "all" Raises: gdb.GdbError: A dictionary of that name cannot be found. t allt globalt progspaces) Cannot find frame-filter dictionary for 't 'N( t gdbt frame_filterst valuest current_progspacet objfilest filenamet GdbError( t namet all_dictst objfilet cpt msg( ( s# /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/frames.pyt return_listZ s c C s� g } x'