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File Name : keys.pyc
� ��]c @ sT d Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z m Z m Z d e f d � � YZ d S( s Store and retrieve wheel signing / verifying keys. Given a scope (a package name, + meaning "all packages", or - meaning "no packages"), return a list of verifying keys that are trusted for that scope. Given a package name, return a list of (scope, key) suggested keys to sign that package (only the verifying keys; the private signing key is stored elsewhere). Keys here are represented as urlsafe_b64encoded strings with no padding. Tentative command line interface: # list trusts wheel trust # trust a particular key for all wheel trust + key # trust key for beaglevote wheel trust beaglevote key # stop trusting a key for all wheel untrust + key # generate a key pair wheel keygen # import a signing key from a file wheel import keyfile # export a signing key wheel export key i����N( t nativet load_config_pathst save_config_patht WheelKeysc B s_ e Z d Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( i s wheel.jsonc C s i g d 6g d 6| _ d S( Nt signerst verifiers( t data( t self( ( s4 /tmp/pip-build-tmgNo5/wheel/wheel/signatures/keys.pyt __init__* s c C s x� t d � D]� } t j j t | � | j � } t j j | � r t | d � �� } t j | � | _ x- d D]% } | | j k rn g | j | <qn qn Wd | j k r� | j | j d <n; | j d | j k r� t d j | j d | j � � � n Wd QXPq q W| S( Nt wheelt rR R t schemas( Bad wheel.json version {0}, expected {1}( s signerss verifiers( R t ost patht joinR t CONFIG_NAMEt existst opent jsont loadR t SCHEMAt ValueErrort format( R R t conft infilet x( ( s4 /tmp/pip-build-tmgNo5/wheel/wheel/signatures/keys.pyR - s "c C s_ t d � } t j j t | � | j � } t | d � � } t j | j | d d �Wd QX| S( NR s w+t indenti ( R R R R R R R R t dumpR ( R R R t out( ( s4 /tmp/pip-build-tmgNo5/wheel/wheel/signatures/keys.pyt save@ s c C s&