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File Name : update.pyc
� !`Nc @ sz d Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d e j j f d � � YZ d S( s DNS Dynamic Update Supporti����Nt Updatec B s� e Z e j j d d e j j d � Z d d d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d d � Z d d d � Z RS( c C s� t t | � j � | j t j j t j j � O_ t | t t f � r^ t j j | � } n | | _ t | t � r� t j j | � } n | | _ | j | j | j | t j j d t d t �| d k r� | j | | d | �n d S( s� Initialize a new DNS Update object. @param zone: The zone which is being updated. @type zone: A or string @param rdclass: The class of the zone; defaults to dns.rdataclass.IN. @type rdclass: An int designating the class, or a string whose value is the name of a class. @param keyring: The TSIG keyring to use; defaults to None. @type keyring: dict @param keyname: The name of the TSIG key to use; defaults to None. The key must be defined in the keyring. If a keyring is specified but a keyname is not, then the key used will be the first key in the keyring. Note that the order of keys in a dictionary is not defined, so applications should supply a keyname when a keyring is used, unless they know the keyring contains only one key. @type keyname: or string @param keyalgorithm: The TSIG algorithm to use; defaults to dns.tsig.default_algorithm. Constants for TSIG algorithms are defined in dns.tsig, and the currently implemented algorithms are HMAC_MD5, HMAC_SHA1, HMAC_SHA224, HMAC_SHA256, HMAC_SHA384, and HMAC_SHA512. @type keyalgorithm: string t createt force_uniquet algorithmN( t superR t __init__t flagst dnst opcodet to_flagst UPDATEt isinstancet strt unicodet namet from_textt origint rdataclasst zone_rdclasst find_rrsett questiont rdatatypet SOAt Truet Nonet use_tsig( t selft zonet rdclasst keyringt keynamet keyalgorithm( ( s0 /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/update.pyR s ! ! c C sb | d k r | j } n | j � } | j | | | j | j | | t t � } | j | | � d S( s&