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File Name : explore.pyc
� �� Rc @ sX d Z d d l Z d d l Z e j d d k r: e Z n d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e f d � � YZ d e j f d � � YZ d e j f d � � YZ d e j f d � � YZ e j � e � e � e � d S( sE Implementation of the GDB 'explore' command using the GDB Python API.i����Ni i t Explorerc B s� e Z d Z i Z e j e j e j e j e j e j f Z e d � � Z e d � � Z e d � � Z e d � � Z e d � � Z e d � � Z e d � � Z e d � � Z e d � � Z RS( s- Internal class which invokes other explorers.c C s� t | � } t } | d d k r9 | | d d k r9 n� d } x� | | k r� | | } | d k s� d | k r| | d k s� d | k r� | d k s� d | k r� | d k r� n t } P| d 7} qB W| r� d | d S| Sd S( Ni t (i t )t _t at zt At Zt 0t 9( t lent Falset True( t exprt lengtht guardt it c( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyt guard_expr) s $ $0c C s] | j j } | t j k rG t j | } x. | j | | | � rC q+ Wn d t | j � GHd S( s� Main function to explore an expression value. Arguments: expr: The expression string that is being explored. value: The gdb.Value value of the expression. is_child: Boolean value to indicate if the expression is a child. An expression is a child if it is derived from the main expression entered by the user. For example, if the user entered an expression which evaluates to a struct, then when exploring the fields of the struct, is_child is set to True internally. Returns: No return value. s* Explorer for type '%s' not yet available. N( t typet codeR t type_code_to_explorer_mapt explore_exprt str( R t valuet is_childt type_codet explorer_class( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyR A s c C sW | j } | t j k rD t j | } x+ | j | | | � r@ q( Wn d t | � GHd S( s� Main function to explore a data type. Arguments: name: The string representing the path to the data type being explored. datatype: The gdb.Type value of the data type being explored. is_child: Boolean value to indicate if the name is a child. A name is a child if it is derived from the main name entered by the user. For example, if the user entered the name of struct type, then when exploring the fields of the struct, is_child is set to True internally. Returns: No return value. s* Explorer for type '%s' not yet available. N( R R R t explore_typeR ( t namet datatypeR R R ( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyR [ s c C s� i t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t t j 6t _ d S( s� Initializes the Explorer environment. This function should be invoked before starting any exploration. If invoked before an exploration, it need not be invoked for subsequent explorations. N( t ScalarExplorert gdbt TYPE_CODE_CHARt TYPE_CODE_INTt TYPE_CODE_BOOLt TYPE_CODE_FLTt TYPE_CODE_VOIDt TYPE_CODE_ENUMt CompoundExplorert TYPE_CODE_STRUCTt TYPE_CODE_UNIONt PointerExplorert TYPE_CODE_PTRt ReferenceExplorert TYPE_CODE_REFt TypedefExplorert TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEFt ArrayExplorert TYPE_CODE_ARRAYR R ( ( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyt init_envu s c C s | j t j k S( s� Checks whether a type is a scalar type. A type is a scalar type of its type is gdb.TYPE_CODE_CHAR or gdb.TYPE_CODE_INT or gdb.TYPE_CODE_BOOL or gdb.TYPE_CODE_FLT or gdb.TYPE_CODE_VOID or gdb.TYPE_CODE_ENUM. Arguments: type: The type to be checked. Returns: 'True' if 'type' is a scalar type. 'False' otherwise. ( R R t _SCALAR_TYPE_LIST( R ( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyt is_scalar_type� s c C s d GHd S( s� A utility function which prints that the current exploration session is returning to the parent value. Useful when exploring values. s Returning to parent value... N( ( ( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyt return_to_parent_value� s c C s t d � d S( s� A utility function which prompts the user to press the 'enter' key so that the exploration session can shift back to the parent value. Useful when exploring values. s( Press enter to return to parent value: N( t raw_input( ( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyt return_to_parent_value_prompt� s c C s d GHd S( s� A utility function which prints that the current exploration session is returning to the enclosing type. Useful when exploring types. s Returning to enclosing type... N( ( ( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyt return_to_enclosing_type� s c C s t d � d S( s� A utility function which prompts the user to press the 'enter' key so that the exploration session can shift back to the enclosing type. Useful when exploring types. s* Press enter to return to enclosing type: N( R6 ( ( ( s, /usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/explore.pyt return_to_enclosing_type_prompt� s ( t __name__t __module__t __doc__R R R! R"